Gas analytical system “Granat”

Gas analytical system “Granat” was designed for discrete and continuous analysis of the composition of gas flows in manufacturing equipment.
Тел: 8 (812) 388-38-14
8 (812) 388-34-33
Отдел продаж:
Gas analytical system “Granat” was designed for discrete and continuous analysis of the composition of gas flows in manufacturing equipment.
Gas-analytical systems “Analytic 001″ are designed for performing automatic continuous measurement of the volume maintenance of CO, CO2, CH4, SO2, NO, NO2, N2S, O2, etc.
The automatic multifunctional gas analyzer “Analytic 001 – m” is designed for performing measurements of volume fraction of oxygen (O2), and also control of concentration of the content of carbon monoxide (CO) in air of working zone in order to assure the safety of work.
When performing complex geological and technological researches directly during the drill of search and prospecting oil and gas wells, including high-speed and horizontal drilling, geological information gains special importance.
Many years of experience and hundreds of examples of use of gas analyzers for continuous measurement of exhaust gases permit to state that the main component of the successful functioning of gas analyzer is a sample preparation system.