Nuestros clientes
Año | Cliente | Ubicación | Producto | Tareas completadas | Flujos de gas monitorizados | ||||||
2016 |
CP “EVRAZ Compañia metalurgica de Nizhnii Taguil” | Nizhnii Taguil, Rusia | Producción de coque, inslatación de enfriamiento de coque en seco |
Entrega y puesta en funcionamiento el sistema “Granat” (1 sistema por 8 puntos de selección de prueba) |
Gas circulante |
Empresa de Generación de Bashkir ” ( Sterlitamak central energetica) SL | Sterlitamak, Rusia | Central energetica de Sterlitamak, calderas |
Entrega del sistema “Analytic 001″ (1 sistema por 3 tuberias) |
Seguimiento de las emisiones ambientales |
2015 |
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 8 |
Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | |||||
ff | fww | fe | |||||||||
OJSC «Ural Steel» | Novotroitsk, Russia | Coke and by-product process By-product recovery plant |
Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Oxygen in a coke gas | ||||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation |
Launch of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
2014 |
PJSC «Alchevsk Iron & Steel Works» | Alchevsk, Ukraine | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Gases on radii | |||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Converter shop Converter № 3Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat»
Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» |
Waste gas
Gases on radii |
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | CConverter shop № 2 Converter № 4 |
Shipment of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
РJSC «Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works» | Yenakiieve, Ukraine | Converter shop Converter № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
2013 |
OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» | Chelyabinsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air, moisture in a blast-furnace air | |||||
ОАО «Северсталь» | г. Череповец, Россия | ТЭЦ ПВС котел № 7 | Поставка ГАС «Аналитик 001» (1 система на 4 точки отбора) | Отходящие газы | ||||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 | Supply of GAS «Granat» | Gases on radii | ||||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 7 years) | Total crude gas | ||||||
Magnitogorsk cement-refractory plant | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Department of calcination | Shipment of 3 systems «Analytic 001» | Technological and environmental monitoring of flue gas emissions | ||||||
Magnezit Plant | Satka, Russia | Rotary kilns № 4, 5, 6 zone № 1 | Supply of 2 systems «Analytic 001» | Technological and environmental monitoring of flue gas emissions and measuring the concentration of dust | ||||||
OJSC «Ural Steel» | Novotroitsk, Russia | Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation | Supply of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | ||||||
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2 | Modernization of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop Pulverized coal injection system | Supply of gas analyzer «Analytic 001 – m» | Workplace air | |||||||||
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Coke and by-product process By-product recovery plant | Supply and launch of 3 systems «Analytic 001» | Oxygen in a coke gas | ||||||
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
LLC «Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company-Ferroalloys» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Electric furnace | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Waste gas | ||||||
2012 |
РJSC «Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works» | Yenakiieve, Ukraine | Converter shop Converter № 3 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | |||||
Ilim Group | St. Petersburg, Russia | Heat and power plant (Korjazhma) | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Waste gas | ||||||
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2, 3, 4 | Supply and launch of 3 systems «Granat» | Cycled gas | ||||||
РJSC «ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih» | Kryviy Rih, Ukraine | Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 9 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 9 years) | Top gases on 4 radii | ||||||
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Meltshop High furnace № 1, 2 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Waste gas | ||||||
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» (reconstruction of the system, which has worked 7 years) |
Total crude gas, total clean top gas, blast-furnace air, flue gases of cowper blast heater | ||||||
OJSC «Soyuz Power Development Corporation» | St. Petersburg, Russia | Power block № 1 Heat and power plant (Kolpino) | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Waste gas | ||||||
2011 |
Ilim Group | St. Petersburg, Russia | Heat and power plant (Korjazhma) | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | |||||
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas in a vertical gas duct | ||||||
OJSC «Ural Steel» | Novotroitsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas | ||||||
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas, total clean top gas, blast-furnace air | ||||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Converter shop Converter № 3 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas | ||||||
OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» | Chelyabinsk, Russia | Converter shop Converter № 1, 2, 3 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
РJSC «Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works» | Yenakiieve, Ukraine | Converter shop Converter № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
РJSC «Azovstal Iron & Steel Works» | Mariupol, Ukraine | Converter shop Converter № 1, 2 | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 2 systems «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
2010 | ![]()
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 3, 4 | Modernization of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, blast furnace gas, blast-furnace air | |||||
Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 6 | Modernization of GAS «Granat» | Gases on radii, total top gas | |||||||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 1 | Modernization of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Converter shop Converter № 3 | Supply and launch of 3 systems «Granat» | Converter gas, oxygen purity | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Flue gases of cowper blast heater | |||||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 | Modernization of GAS «Granat» | Waste gas | |||||||||
Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Flue gases of cowper blast heater | ||||||||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Converter shop Converter № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas | ||||||
2009 |
OJSC «Kosaya Gora Iron Works» | Tula, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of GAS «Granat» and GAS «Analytic 001» | Сold blast, top gas, gases on radii, flue gases of cowper blast heater | |||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 7 | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | ||||||
LLC «Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company-Ferroalloys» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Plasma furnace | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Gas flows in the plasma furnace | ||||||
2008 |
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Converter shop Converter № 1, 2 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Converter gas | |||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 7 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas | |||||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 9 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Total top gas, gases on radii | |||||||||
Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | ||||||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 10 Б | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | |||||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 10 | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | |||||||||
Converter shop Converter № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | |||||||||
2007 | ![]()
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 11 years) | Converter gas, blast-furnace air | |||||
Converter shop № 1 Converter № 3 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | |||||||||
PJSC «Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzershinsky» | Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine | Converter shop Converter № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
Converter shop Converter № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | |||||||||
PJSC «Donetskstal» – metallurgical plant» | Donetsk, Ukraine | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | ||||||
OJSC «Chusovoy Metallurgical Works» | Chusovoy, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | ||||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 10 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | |||||||||
OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» | Chelyabinsk, Russia | Peaking boiler plant 6 boilers | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Analytic 001» | Waste gas | ||||||
PJSC «Alchevsk Iron & Steel Works» | Alchevsk, Ukraine | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | ||||||
PJSC «Alchevsk Coking Plant» | Alchevsk, Ukraine | Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | ||||||
2006 |
OJSC «Ural Steel» | Novotroitsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of GAS «Granat» and GAS «Analytic 001» | Total crude gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air | |||||
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 5 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Total crude gas, top gas on radii | ||||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | |||||||||
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Gaseous pollution of work places | |||||||||
Converter shop Ladle degassing plant | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Waste gas | |||||||||
2005 |
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 1 Converter № 1, 2 | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 2 systems «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | |||||
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» | Total crude gas, total clean top gas, blast-furnace air, flue gases of cowper blast heater | ||||||
Converter shop № 2 Converter № 1, 2 | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 2 systems «Granat» (replacement of the system “EMG”) | Waste gas, converter gases, blast-furnace air | |||||||||
Converter shop № 1 Vacuum vessel | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Waste gas | |||||||||
OJSC «Zaporizhstal Integrated Iron & Steel Works» | Zaporozhye, Ukraine | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» | Total top gas, blast-furnace air, top gases on 2 radii, flue gases of cowper blast heater | ||||||
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, nitrogen, oxygen of a blast-furnace air | ||||||
Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» | Heating gas, waste gas | ||||||||||
Coke and by-product process By-product recovery plant №1, 2 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Analytic 001» | Oxygen in a coke gas | |||||||||
OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» | Magnitogorsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | ||||||
2004 | ![]()
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Converter shop Site of hot metal desulfurization | Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» | Oxygen in the work area (6 measurement points) | |||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 3, УСТПК | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
РJSC «ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih» | Kryviy Rih, Ukraine | Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 9 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Top gases on 4 radii | ||||||
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 1 Converter № 1, 2, 3 | Supply and launch of 3 systems «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, blast-furnace air, top gases on 2 radii | |||||||||
OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» | Chelyabinsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, blast-furnace air | ||||||
2003 | ![]()
OJSC «Kosaya Gora Iron Works» | Tula, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, flue gases of cowper blast heater | |||||
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 2 Converter № 4 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Heat and power plant Turbo blower station Boiler № 13 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» | Natural gas (calculation of calorific), blast furnace gas (calculation of calorific), coke gas (calculation of calorific), waste gas |
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Heat and power plant Turbo blower station 10 boilers | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 2 systems «Granat» with the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» |
Natural gas (calculation of calorific), blast furnace gas (calculation of calorific), coke gas (calculation of calorific), waste gas |
OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» | Chelyabinsk, Russia | Meltshop № 6 | replacement of the gas analyzer (mass spectrometer magnetic type) to the detector (TOF mass spectrometer type) «Granat» in gas analytical system made by “Trindel” |
Converter gas | ||||||
OJSC «Tulachermet» | Tula, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, blast-furnace air, top gases on 2 radii | ||||||
1996-2002 |
OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» | Chelyabinsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, blast-furnace air | |||||
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 2 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | ||||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» | Lipetsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 3 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, blast furnace gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 4 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, blast furnace gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air | |||||||||
Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 6 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Total top gas, top gases on radii | |||||||||
Converter shop № 1 Converter № 1, 2, 3 | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 3 systems «Granat» | Converter gas, control of an explosive situation | |||||||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
Converter shop № 2 Converter № 1, 2 | Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex (one gas analyzer «Granat» with two systems of sampling and sample preparation). The complex is used in a “hot” redundancy of 2 systems «EMG-20» |
Converter gas | |||||||||
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2 | Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» | Cycled gas | |||||||||
OJSC «Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air | ||||||
OJSC «Severstal» | Cherepovets, Russia | Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas | ||||||
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas | |||||||||
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 3 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas | |||||||||
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 1 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total top gas | |||||||||
«Pakistan Steel» plant | Karachi, Pakistan | Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 | Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» | Total crude gas | ||||||
«Nanolab Sara» company | Marseille, France | Manufacturing and supply of mass separator | |||||||||
1995 |
OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» | Novokuznetsk, Russia | Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 | Supply and launch of gas analytical system (GAS) «Granat» | Converter gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air |