Our customer list


their comments

Year Customer The Location Object Completed works Monitored gas flows
2023 logo OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installations № 1, 2 Supply of 2 systems GAS «Granat» (replacement of the systems «Granat», which has worked 12 and 9 years after modernization) Cycled gas


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Converter № 4 Supply of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 8 years after modernization) Converter gas, explosion safety
Converter shop № 1 Converter № 2, 3 Supply and launch of 2 systems GAS «Granat» (replacement of the systems «Granat», which has worked 17 and 15 years) Converter gas, explosion safety
2022 logo OJSC «Ural Steel» Novotroitsk, Russia Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation Modernization of GAS “Granat”, commissioned in 2015 Cycled gas
logo OJSC «Tulachermet» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii, total top gas, blast
logo OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Converter shop Converter № 1 Supply of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 14 years) Converter gas
logo OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Converter shop Converter № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Waste gas


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 1 Converter № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 17 years) Converter gases, explosion safety
Sinter plant Laboratory agglomeration plant Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Waste gas
2021 head_logo_en OJSC «Kosaya Gora Iron Works» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Modernization of GAS “Granat”, commissioned in 2009 Cold blast, top gas, gases on radii, flue gases of hot-blast stove
logo OJSC «Tulachermet» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii, total top gas, blast
logo OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 5 Supply of 2 systems GAS «Granat» Gases on radii, total top gas, blast


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 9 Supply of GAS «Granat» Total top gas
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 9 Supply of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 9 Supply of GAS «Analytic 001» Workplace air
Converter shop Converter № 1 Supply of GAS «Granat» Exhauster gases analysis
2020 logo OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 Supply of 2 systems GAS «Granat» with the possibility of mutual redundancy Gases on radii, total top gas, cold blast oxygen
logo OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation Supply of 4 systems GAS «Granat» Waste gas
logo OJSC «Tulachermet» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 3 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii, total top gas, cold blast oxygen


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii
Steel degassing installation Supply of GAS «Granat» Waste gas
2019 logo JSC «KMPO» (Zelenodolsk Machine-Building Plant) Zelenodolsk, Russia Gas-compressor unit Supply of 4 systems «Analytic 001» Exhaust gases
logo OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation 1, 2, 3 Supply and launch of 3 systems GAS «Granat» Cycled gas


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Converter shop Converter № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply of gas analyzer «Analytic 001.01» (11 pieces) Workplace air
logo JSC «KMPO» (Zelenodolsk Machine-Building Plant) Zelenodolsk, Russia Gas-compressor unit Supply of 2 systems «Analytic 001» Exhaust gases
logo OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Coke and by-product process Engine room № 1 Launch of 2 systems «Analytic 001» Oxygen in the coke oven gas
2018 logo OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Coke and by-product process Engine room № 1 Supply of 2 systems «Analytic 001» Oxygen in the coke oven gas


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Steel degassing installation Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Waste gas
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas


«MMSK» Ltd. Mednogorsk, Russia Sulfuric acid shop Supply and launch of gas analyzer «Analytic 001.01» (4 pieces) Workplace air


OJSC «Tulachermet» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast-furnace air, top gases on 2 radii


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 10 years) Waste gas


PJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply of GAS «Granat» Gases on 2 radii
Coke and by-product process Сoke-oven plants № 1,2,3,4 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Analytic 001» Monitoring emissions after a heating system
Sheet-rolling shop № 9 Heat-treating furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Monitoring of emissions
Electric furnace shop Steel-making vessel – 32 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» (1 system for 5 points of selection) Flue gases


PJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Heat and power plant turbo blower station Turbogenerator № 7 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Analysis of hydrogen content
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Total top gas
Coke and by-product process Сoke-oven plant № 4 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Oxygen and ammonia in coke oven gas after the engine room


OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Pulverized coal injection system Supply and launch of gas analyzer «Analytic 001.01» (70 pieces) Workplace air


OJSC «Ural Steel» Novotroitsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Total top gas


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Converter shop Ladle degassing plant Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Waste gas


OJSC «EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant» Nizhny Tagil, Russia Coke and by-product process
Dry coke-quenching installation
Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (1 system for 8 points of selection) Cycled gas


Bashkir Generation Company LLC Sterlitamak, Russia Sterlitamakskaya TPP Supply of «Analytic 001» (1 system for 3 tubes) Ecological monitoring


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Agglomerate shop Supply of 4 systems «Analytic 001» Ecological monitoring
Blast-furnace shop
Blast furnace № 8
Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas


OJSC «Ural Steel» Novotroitsk, Russia Coke and by-product process
By-product recovery plant
Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Oxygen in a coke gas
Coke and by-product process
Dry coke-quenching installation
Launch of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas


PJSC «Alchevsk Iron & Steel Works» Alchevsk, Ukraine Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Converter shop Converter № 3Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat»Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Waste gasGases on radii


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» Novokuznetsk, Russia CConverter shop № 2
Converter № 4
Shipment of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


РJSC «Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works» Yenakiieve, Ukraine Converter shop Converter № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» Chelyabinsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air, moisture in a blast-furnace air


ОАО «Северсталь» г. Череповец, Россия ТЭЦ ПВС котел № 7 Поставка ГАС «Аналитик 001» (1 система на 4 точки отбора) Отходящие газы


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 Supply of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 7 years) Total crude gas


Magnitogorsk cement-refractory plant Magnitogorsk, Russia Department of calcination Shipment of 3 systems «Analytic 001» Technological and environmental monitoring of flue gas emissions


Magnezit Plant Satka, Russia Rotary kilns № 4, 5, 6 zone № 1 Supply of 2 systems «Analytic 001» Technological and environmental monitoring of flue gas emissions and measuring the concentration of dust


OJSC «Ural Steel» Novotroitsk, Russia Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation Supply of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas


OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas
Blast-furnace shop Pulverized coal injection system Supply of gas analyzer «Analytic 001 – m» Workplace air


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» Novokuznetsk, Russia Coke and by-product process By-product recovery plant Supply and launch of 3 systems «Analytic 001» Oxygen in a coke gas


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation
logo sg


LLC «Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company-Ferroalloys» Novokuznetsk, Russia Electric furnace Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Waste gas


РJSC «Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works» Yenakiieve, Ukraine Converter shop Converter № 3 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation

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Ilim Group St. Petersburg, Russia Heat and power plant (Korjazhma) Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Waste gas


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» Novokuznetsk, Russia Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2, 3, 4 Supply and launch of 3 systems «Granat» Cycled gas


РJSC «ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih» Kryviy Rih, Ukraine Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 9 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 9 years) Top gases on 4 radii


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Meltshop High furnace № 1, 2 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Waste gas


OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the
control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» (reconstruction of the
system, which has worked 7 years)
Total crude gas, total clean top gas, blast-furnace air, flue gases of cowper blast heater


OJSC «Soyuz Power Development Corporation» St. Petersburg, Russia Power block № 1 Heat and power plant (Kolpino) Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Waste gas
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Ilim Group St. Petersburg, Russia Heat and power plant (Korjazhma) Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas in a vertical gas duct


OJSC «Ural Steel» Novotroitsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas



OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas, total clean top gas, blast-furnace air


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Converter shop Converter № 3 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas


OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» Chelyabinsk, Russia Converter shop Converter № 1, 2, 3 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


РJSC «Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works» Yenakiieve, Ukraine Converter shop Converter № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


РJSC «Azovstal Iron & Steel Works» Mariupol, Ukraine Converter shop Converter № 1, 2 Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 2 systems «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation
2010 120px-NLMK-eng


OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 3, 4 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast furnace gas, blast-furnace air
Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 6 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Gases on radii, total top gas
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 1 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Converter shop Converter № 3 Supply and launch of 3 systems «Granat» Converter gas, oxygen purity
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Flue gases of cowper blast heater
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Modernization of GAS «Granat» Waste gas
Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Flue gases of cowper blast heater



OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Converter shop Converter № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas


OJSC «Kosaya Gora Iron Works» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of GAS «Granat» and GAS «Analytic 001» Сold blast, top gas, gases on radii, flue gases of cowper blast heater



OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 7 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places
logo sg


LLC «Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company-Ferroalloys» Novokuznetsk, Russia Plasma furnace Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Gas flows in the plasma furnace


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Converter shop Converter № 1, 2 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Converter gas



OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 7 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 9 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Total top gas, gases on radii
Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 10 Б Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 10 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places
Converter shop Converter № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation
2007 logo


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» (replacement of the system «Granat», which has worked 11
Converter gas, blast-furnace air
Converter shop № 1 Converter № 3 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


PJSC «Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzershinsky» Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine Converter shop Converter № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation
Converter shop Converter № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


PJSC «Donetskstal» – metallurgical plant» Donetsk, Ukraine Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas


OJSC «Chusovoy Metallurgical Works» Chusovoy, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 10 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas


OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» Chelyabinsk, Russia Peaking boiler plant 6 boilers Supply and launch of 2 systems «Analytic 001» Waste gas


PJSC «Alchevsk Iron & Steel Works» Alchevsk, Ukraine Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas


PJSC «Alchevsk Coking Plant» Alchevsk, Ukraine Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas


OJSC «Ural Steel» Novotroitsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of GAS «Granat» and GAS «Analytic 001» Total crude gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 5 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Total crude gas, top gas on radii
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas


OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 6 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places
Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Gaseous pollution of work places
Converter shop Ladle degassing plant Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Waste gas


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 1 Converter № 1, 2 Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 2 systems «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» Total crude gas, total clean top gas, blast-furnace air, flue gases of cowper blast heater
Converter shop № 2 Converter № 1, 2 Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 2 systems «Granat» (replacement of the system
Waste gas, converter gases, blast-furnace air
Converter shop № 1 Vacuum vessel Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Waste gas


OJSC «Zaporizhstal Integrated Iron & Steel Works» Zaporozhye, Ukraine Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» Total top gas, blast-furnace air, top gases on 2 radii, flue gases of cowper blast heater


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, nitrogen, oxygen of a blast-furnace air
Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» Heating gas, waste gas
Coke and by-product process By-product recovery plant №1, 2 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Analytic 001» Oxygen in a coke gas



OJSC «Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works» Magnitogorsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas
2004 200px-Severstal_logo


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Converter shop Site of hot metal desulfurization Supply and launch of GAS «Analytic 001» Oxygen in the work area (6 measurement points)
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 3, УСТПК Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Cycled gas


РJSC «ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih» Kryviy Rih, Ukraine Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 9 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Top gases on 4 radii



OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Converter shop № 1 Converter № 1, 2, 3 Supply and launch of 3 systems «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast-furnace air, top gases on 2 radii


OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» Chelyabinsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast-furnace air
2003 КМЗ2,head_logo_en


OJSC «Kosaya Gora Iron Works» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, flue gases of cowper blast heater


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Converter № 4 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation


OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Heat and power plant Turbo blower station Boiler № 13 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat», which includes the control unit of microimpurities «Analytic 001» Natural gas (calculation of calorific), blast furnace
gas (calculation of calorific), coke gas (calculation of calorific),
waste gas


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Heat and power plant Turbo blower station 10 boilers Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting
of 2 systems «Granat» with the control unit of microimpurities
«Analytic 001»
Natural gas (calculation of calorific), blast furnace
gas (calculation of calorific), coke gas (calculation of calorific),
waste gas


OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» Chelyabinsk, Russia Meltshop № 6 replacement of the gas analyzer (mass spectrometer
magnetic type) to the detector (TOF mass spectrometer type) «Granat» in
gas analytical system made by “Trindel”
Converter gas


OJSC «Tulachermet» Tula, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast-furnace air, top gases on 2 radii


OJSC «Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant» Chelyabinsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast-furnace air


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant», филиал «ЕвразКоксСибирь» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas


OJSC «Novolipetsk Steel» Lipetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 3 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast furnace gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 4 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, blast furnace gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air
Blast-furnace shop № 2 Blast furnace № 6 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Total top gas, top gases on radii
Converter shop № 1 Converter № 1, 2, 3 Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex consisting of 3 systems «Granat» Converter gas, control of an explosive situation
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Cycled gas
Converter shop № 2 Converter № 1, 2 Supply and launch of gas-analyzes complex (one gas
analyzer «Granat» with two systems of sampling and sample preparation).
The complex is used in a “hot” redundancy of 2 systems «EMG-20»
Converter gas
Coke and by-product process Dry coke-quenching installation № 2 Supply and launch of 2 systems «Granat» Cycled gas


OJSC «Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 4 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air


OJSC «Severstal» Cherepovets, Russia Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 5 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 3 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas
Blast-furnace shop № 1 Blast furnace № 1 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total top gas
pakistan steel 2


«Pakistan Steel» plant Karachi, Pakistan Blast-furnace shop Blast furnace № 2 Supply and launch of GAS «Granat» Total crude gas
 «Nanolab Sara» company Marseille, France Manufacturing and supply of mass separator


OJSC «EVRAZ – Consolidated West Siberian Metallurgical Plant» Novokuznetsk, Russia Converter shop № 2 Converter № 5 Supply and launch of gas analytical system (GAS) «Granat» Converter gas, oxygen of a blast-furnace air

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